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Baked Citrus Pears and Apples

Recipe by The Food Pocket Guide


-2 ripe pears, peeled and cut into quarters

-2 apples, peeled and cut into quarters and cored

-1 stick broken pieces of cinnamon stick

-1 pinch grated nutmeg

-1 lemon juice, zest and peeled into strips

-3 oranges juiced with zest from 1 orange

-Créme Fraiche or yoghurt to serve with

-75g raisins


1. Preheat over to 350 degrees. 

2. Place pear and apple quarters into oven-safe dish with cinnamon stick, nutmeg, raisins, lemon, and orange juice zest with strips. 

3. Cover the dish with foil and bake in oven for 35-40 minutes or until fruit is soft. 

4. Serve warm with Créme Fraiche or yoghurt.