
Farmers Partner With Us to Grow


Become a Capital City Fruit Partner Grower

We rely on our global network of family farms and national growers to help ensure our customers are able to provide high-quality produce to their consumers. Recognizing their countless years of experience and knowledge, we form relationships with our farm families to represent their values so our customers can benefit going direct to the grower with Capital City Fruit, while our farm families continue to do what they do best – grow.

Why Partner With CCF?

Focus on What You’re Best At

Your time and experience is valuable and should be focused on where you excel. It’s difficult to grow produce. The responsibilities of leading your employees, handling shipping and logistics, marketing, selling, and conducting quality checks while on store shelves can be overwhelming. We understand you are in the business of growing, and we want to help you navigate through the distribution, marketing, and selling of your products so your growing efforts can result in returned profit to your fields.

Work With Well-Known Companies

Over the years, Capital City Fruit has established relationships with industry leaders in both food service and retail segments. In partnering with us, your produce will reach the hands of customers all around the United States.

Receive Timely Payments for the Work You Do

Nothing is more frustrating than working with partners who string their growers along on payments expecting you to fund their cash flow. Capital City Fruit is proud of our high Blue Book Credit Rating, and we focus on providing you with the timely payments you deserve.

Obtain Pre-Planting Information

We never want you to put in hard work growing items in quantities that customers don’t purchase. We will work with you to create a pre-planting strategy of the items our customers want.

Work Closely With a Grower Representative

Through our farm program, all of our partner growers work with our team of farm and field managers. Greenhouse and horticulturist specialists also support your efforts from planting to post harvest . Whether it’s navigating through certification audits, farm business planning, post-harvest specifications/regulation requirements and everything in between, we are here to help.

Eliminate Food Waste

Our customers span a wide range of markets, which allows us to take more, if not all, of the crops you harvest to ensure maximum utilization. You no longer have to worry about finding buyers for your premium produce and separate buyers for your number two product.

Some of our Current Growers


How to Become a Partner Grower

  • Meet with a CCF grower representative
  • Assess your fields with a CCF grower representative
  • Start planting!